Have You Ever Said… I Wonder?
Have You Ever Said…I Wonder?
It seems that the many people who are gravitating to the tiny house movement are doing so primarily to simplify their life and live a debt free existence. At the same time, there are still people who can’t imagine giving up the big house and all the stuff they manage to pack into it and sometimes extra storage units.
Have you ever said, “I wonder what it would be like to live in my own home and have the time and financial freedom to do the things I’ve dreamed of doing”?
It is a commonly known fact that owning your own tiny house can save you money. You don’t have to pay a large mortgage or rent payment or big utility bills, including the maintenance and insurance associated with a large house. Additionally you save time spent taking care of it and all the stuff that fills it. This is the very thing that is possible for you if you are able to embrace the Tiny House Movement, as so many have all over the world. However, living in a tiny house may not be something you can see yourself doing. But just think about this.
Have you ever said, “I wonder if I could downsize and be happier in a smaller home than I presently live in”?
Just think how that could make your life easier and less complicated. It would mean less to care for and more control over your everyday activities and finances. Making a substantial downsizing move will give you significantly more time and financial freedom. It doesn’t have to be a micro house that most often comes to mind when discussing this subject. But when you live in a smaller home, you may not have to spend your vacations and week ends taking care of the large yard, making repairs from one end to the other and maintaining all the stuff you have stuffed inside all those walls.
Have you really ever wondered what it would be like to live a more simplified lifestyle to fulfill the dreams you have worked so hard to make come true, however you choose to do it?
If you haven’t ever wondered, you may want to and see where it takes you.